Collection: Beats

Top quality Beats by Blomo Productions.

Of all genres and styles, with the finest sounds, samples and unique instruments recorded and programmed by Blomo himself.

Compare and choose the one that best suits your needs. We have different pricing options to adapt to the stage in which your musical career is!

Beats Licenses Explained


It is a license designed for those who are just starting out. Start uploading your songs to digital platforms and YouTube, and see how your fanbase reacts! Get your career off to a good start!

  • Untagged WAV file

  • No expiration date

  • 100.000 Streams (non-monetised)

  • Distribute up to 5.000 Copies

  • Upload to Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, etc

  • Credits: Produced by Blomo Productions


This license is for artists who are already solid in their career. You get more and MONETISED streams, plus you can also upload a music video of your song on YouTube.

  • Untagged WAV file

  • No expiration date

  • 500.000 Streams (monetised)

  • Distribute up to 10.000 Copies

  • Upload to Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, etc

  • 1 YouTube video (monetised)

  • Credits: Produced by Blomo Productio


The unlimited license, as its name suggests, allows you to upload your song EVERYWHERE and monetise without any limits. It is a license designed for those artists who are really serious about their music career.

  • Untagged WAV file

  • No expiration date

  • Unlimited Streams

  • Sell Unlimited Copies

  • Upload to Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, etc

  • Unlimited YouTube Monetisation, Performances, Radio Stations

  • Credits: Produced by Blomo Productions


Own this beat completely! This license grants you not only full monetization rights but also exclusivity. No one else can use this banger but you!

  • EXCLUSIVE BEAT. Be the only one to use it

  • Untagged WAV file

  • No expiration date

  • Unlimited streams and sells in any streaming platform, radio station, performances...

  • Credits: Produced by Blomo Productions

    If you are interested in an exclusive beats please contact us.